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The Famous Stingray City-  Stingray city is one of the most popular attractions in Cayman, you would be able to interact, pet and feed these amazing southern stingrays in the 3 feet crystal clear water as you brush up against these beautiful creatures. Stingrays' city is a sandbar located 4-5 miles off the shore. Often done as part of the stingray city trips, the barrier reef is a lengthy wall of bright coral sweeping across the north sound entrance.

Coral Gardens- Coral gardens is a beautiful spot which is in the north sound next to the stingray city, it is about 8-10 feet if crystal clear water were a lot of tropical fish and magnificent corals live occasionally you may see large turtle, eagle ray and eel or lobster. Our lovely crew will provide you with snorkeling equipment and a life vest if needed.

2 Stop Tour - Stingray City - Sandbar - Coral Gardens Snorkeling

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Adult: 0 x $50 = $0
Kid: 0 x $40 =
Infant: 0 x $50 =

Total: $0
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