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The Famous Stingray City-  Stingray city is one of the most popular attractions in Cayman, you would be able to interact, pet and feed these amazing southern stingrays in the 3 feet crystal clear water as you brush up against these beautiful creatures. Stingrays' city is a sandbar located 4-5 miles off the shore. Often done as part of the stingray city trips, the barrier reef is a lengthy wall of bright coral sweeping across the north sound entrance. 

Coral Gardens- Coral gardens is a beautiful spot which is in the north sound next to the stingray city, it is about 8-10 feet if crystal clear water were a lot of tropical fish and magnificent corals live occasionally you may see large turtle, eagle ray and eel or lobster. Our lovely crew will provide you with snorkeling equipment and a life vest if needed.

Starfish Point - Starfish point is located only 15 minutes away from Stingray City. It is home to amazing, beautiful starfish. Starfish point is a laid-back secluded beach with shallow clear water. This protected stretch of sand is called Starfish point. You can hold the starfish in your hand, but you cannot take them out of the water. The beach is situated in shallow waters, you can also take photos with the starfish which would be a perfect experience for your entire family so hope on along starfish point.

3 Stop Tour - Stingray City - Sandbar - Coral Gardens Snorkeling and Star Fish Point

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Kid: 0 x $50 =
Infant: 0 x FREE =

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